Suzuki Goro 鈴木五郎 Japanese, b. 1941
H27.5 x D22.5 x W22.5cm
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“Oribe keeps developing. It never stayed in one place. So I create whatever
comes to my mind, one after another. I never stop. I feel like I’m playing with
clay. The playfulness makes one’s life interesting.”
– Suzuki Goro
Quintessentially playful, Suzuki Goro’s artworks tap into the pictorially decorative side of Oribe-yaki. The geometric and organic designs on a burnt
orange field coupled with areas of rich green glaze are all hallmarks of his
works. Despite this, Suzuki resists a complete characterization, as he constantly experiments with color and form. Indeed, his oeuvre consists of both
Shino and Oribe wares, mastering both in highly decorative capacities. Suzuki
works in both sculptural and functional capacities. His art is consistently experimental, and showcases a youthful and quirky approach to Oribe & Shino