Ion Fukazawa 深澤 伊穏 Japanese, b. 1990
Returning to the Earth 3, 2021
H35cm x L35cm x W35cm
H13" x L13" x W13"
H13" x L13" x W13"
Ion's works interrogate the difference between artificial and natural forms. In an era when human activity spans almost all the surfaces of the Earth, what is the formal difference between...
Ion's works interrogate the difference between artificial and natural forms. In an era when human activity spans almost all the surfaces of the Earth, what is the formal difference between nature and artifice? What is our role in defining our current Anthropocene? Ion is interested in Kogei (Japanese traditional craft) and was taught by Harumi Nakashima.
Materiality, form, and function are the cornerstones of Ion's works, which articulate the movement of the clay from the centrifugal force created from the rotating wheel.