
  • LOVE in Clay

    Miwa Ryūkishō’s Hagi Homage to Robert Indiana
    LOVE in Clay
  • Studio visit: Shingu Sayaka

    Look into Shingu Sayaka’s reflections on her artistic practice and her studio space in Osaka
    Studio visit: Shingu Sayaka

    Based in Osaka, contemporary artist Shingu Sayaka (b. 1979)’s serene studio is framed with a natural garden, with the bustling city just beyond. Read more here.

  • Journals from Japan

    Miwa Ryukishō solo exhibition: SHOWAN 生盌 - The Bowl of Life at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi
    by Beatrice Lei Chang
    Journals from Japan
    [NEW] Journals from Japan: read director Beatrice Chang's reflections on the recent solo exhibition of celebrated artist Miwa Ryukishō (formerly Miwa Ryosaku, and Kyusetsu) in Japan.
  • Movement, color, and surface

    The Art of Matsutani Fumio
    Movement, color, and surface
  • A Modern Master Revealed

    Yasuhara Yoshiaki and the ceramics revolution of the twentieth century
    A Modern Master Revealed
    Read the full essay on the work of Yasuhara Yoshiaki (Yasuhara Kimei) in the context of the development of avant-garde ceramics in Japan, by curator Russell Kelty (Art Gallery of South Australia).
  • Yasuhara Kimei

    The Genesis of "Sekki"
    Yasuhara Kimei
  • The Vase as Art Object (Obuje-Kaki オブジェ花器)

    Ceramics of The Ikebana Sogetsu School
    by Kristie Lui
    The Vase as Art Object (Obuje-Kaki オブジェ花器)

    The art of floral arrangement in Japan has a modern and avant-garde history that is intertwined with development of modern ceramic visual arts. Both tea masters and flower arrangement (Ikebana) artists are the natural companions for ceramic artists in the course of their work. Click to read more about the noble and modern associations of ceramics and Ikebana.

  • Field notes from Kyoto

    Notes on Hayashi Yasuo's recent work
    Field notes from Kyoto
    Read more field notes from our director's travels through the ceramic capital of Japan: Kyoto.
  • Ishiyama Tetsuya

    The "Dimple Bowl" and contemporary ceramics
    by Beatrice Lei Chang
    Ishiyama Tetsuya
    Revisit a tea bowl by the contemporary ceramicist Ishiyama Tetsuya with us, with a platinum sheen and gold inside. "Dimple bowl" is a playful take on the often sombre and traditional Japanese tea ceremony.