Born in Osaka, Tsuboshima Dohei followed an unconventional path, beginning his journey as a potter through an apprenticeship and studies under the tutelage of the salaryman-turned master potter, Kawakita Handeishi...
Born in Osaka, Tsuboshima Dohei followed an unconventional path, beginning his journey as a potter through an apprenticeship and studies under the tutelage of the salaryman-turned master potter, Kawakita Handeishi in 1946. Kawakita's unconventional nature, characterized by his talents in poetry, pottery, painting, and calligraphy, profoundly influenced Tsuboshima's artistic style. Tsuboshima himself developed a remarkable sensitivity to imagery and composition on three-dimensional surfaces, remaining faithful to Kawakita's artistic legacy. Throughout his life, Tsuboshima mastered a wide array of clay styles and techniques, including Shino and iron overglazes, demonstrating his mastery in showcasing the unique qualities of clay in his Iga and Shigaraki wares.