This vase, crafted by artist Kaneshige Michiaki (1934-1995), features intricate geometric incisions on its clay surface, complemented by a delicate ash glaze. The piece is distinguished by its unique geometric...
This vase, crafted by artist Kaneshige Michiaki (1934-1995), features intricate geometric incisions on its clay surface, complemented by a delicate ash glaze. The piece is distinguished by its unique geometric mouth opening. Michiaki is the son of Kaneshige Toyo, who was designated a Living National Treasure in 1956 for his revival of Ko-Bizen (Old Bizen) firing techniques from the Momoyama period. Trained by his father, Michiaki inherited his sensitivity to form and ash glazes, while infusing his work with a contemporary, geometric flair. His fine art education at Kanazawa College of Art is evident in the refinement of his geometric surfaces.