Yamada Hiroki's debut into the world of pottery was as extraordinary as his work. Initially pursuing a conventional and respected career as a judicial scrivener and a researcher in biofunctional...
Yamada Hiroki's debut into the world of pottery was as extraordinary as his work. Initially pursuing a conventional and respected career as a judicial scrivener and a researcher in biofunctional engineering, Yamada's life was transformed when he encountered Shino pottery by chance. He was, he left behind his stable profession and devoted himself to mastering this ancient art form.
Yamada's work stands out for capturing the true essence of Shino with the tone and spirit of a contemporary ceramicist. Despite his traditional background, Yamada’s shift to pottery and his creations reflect a deep and necessary passion that borders on the wild and irrational, which is something he considers to be an essential quality in the world of honest expression through ceramics.
In an era where few artists truly embody the "classical pottery" ideal, Yamada has uniquely mastered the “correct” glaze quality of Shino in the Momoyama period sense. His scholarly, research-based analytical approach and structural understanding of the medium- inspired by the likes of the celebrated potter Arakawa Toyozo- suggests that his future works hold extraordinary promise. The emergence of an artist so deeply committed to the authentic tradition of Shino is a remarkable and welcome addition to the contemporary Japanese ceramics scene.
1972 Born in Aichi Prefecture, Japan 1995 Graduated from Nagoya University, Engineering Bachelor's Degree 1997 Completed Master's degree in Nagoya University Graduate School 2006 Became a judicial scrivener and land and house investigator 2008 Studied under the 14th founder of Mino Ceramics, Kato Yasukage 2012 Independent
2015 First solo exhibition at the Matsuzakaya Nagoya Department Store
Since then, solo exhibitions and joint exhibitions at other department stores
Awarded a prize at the Contemporary Tea Ceramic Exhibition
Currently making pottery in Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture